Northeast Ohio Rocks Easy Northeast Ohio Rocks

We have reached 200,000 members. Some may ask what is the big deal about painted rocks. It's the benefits. They go far beyond a simple paint session or walk in the park. You should paint rocks too! Be inspired and become an inspiration.

Creating is good for you. Did you know it is good for your health? It is! It is good for your entire body. It reduces stress, anxiety and depression. Experts even say it can reduce chronic pain.

Since April I have been on medical leave due to several heart conditions. A lot of stressful things have happened in 2017 especially since April. Not being able to work to pay rent is a stress that I can't allow to take over my mind. I am a mental health therapist who sees clients in their home or school. I have many clients I couldn't say goodbye to when I stopped working. These kiddos have suffered traumas not having closure with their therapist didn't settle well with me. To help me remain calm and positive I started painting and hiding rocks. I'm so happy to have found Northeast Ohio Rocks! to share happiness when I'm feeling so sick. It has lifted me up. After all this is a therapeutic project I would be doing with clients. I did visit my co-workers to tell them about joining North East Ohio rocks, to encourage them to paint rocks with their clients and to give them each a smile rocks. Member, Jodi Kovach.

Zentangle Squirrel - Member, Karen Bailey

One Potato, Two Potato - Member, Fran Hale

Tiny Rock Embellishing - Member, Joni Briggs

Cactus Flower Pot - Member, Joni Briggs

Camper - Member, Carol Lapham

Taco Tuesday - Member, Carol Lapham

Painted Frog - Member, Karen Bailey

Sharing kindness is good for you. Kindness makes you happier whether you are giving or receiving. Kindness is contagious. When a person has received kindness they are more likely to share kindness with another.

I was like a little kid the first time I found a rock. It reminded me not to forget how the simple things in life & small blessings make life worthwhile! And that something as simple as a painted rock can make the difference in someone's day. The first rock that we had painted was found by a young man who had been having a rough time at school & it made his day!!! Member, Deb Barnes

Watercolor Butterfly - Member, Diane Bonifati

Watercolor Cat - Member, Diane Bonifati

3D Wedding Rings - Member, Caroline Sokol

Rainbow Trout - Member, Caroline Sokol

Super Heroes - Member, Jennifer Pickering-Theodore

Silhouette Love Swing - Member, Hope Wood Shernit

Elephant Silhouette - Member, Kelly Vogel

Sharing kindness makes you healthier and stronger. It has been proven to boost your immune system and your energy level giving us the ability to cope with the stress, chronic pain and emotional trauma.

Back in January, my daughter Ivy Thompkins  told me about this group so that my husband, who is disabled would have something to do. We started painting and I could not stop. He painted a little but I painted every free moment. It was so relaxing and fun. In May I was in a very bad accident, and it was touch and go for a couple weeks. My daughter posted my accident on Northeast Ohio Rocks and asked for prayers. Thousands of prayers and well wishes later, I am home, still recovering and back to painting! I believe everyone's prayers pulled me through! Thankyou! Member, Judy Tompkins

Cat on a Wire - Hope Wood Shernit

Coloring Page Decoupage - Member, Sue Atwell

Freedom - Member, Alice Noneya

Beach Life - Member, Tina Givens

Dots - Member, Jessica Freeland

Zombee - Member, Tracy Zimmerman

Bee Sweet and Bumble - Member, Angela Lopaska

Fievel - Member, Michelle Wahl

When we are painting rocks, we are using our imaginations. We are able to move away from our electronics and create something that makes us feel good and makes the receiver feel good. Our minds are concentrating on what we are creating.

I started painting rocks with a couple of friends, our hashtag rockndolls comes from the name of our bowling team, Dolls With Balls. I quickly became addicted to rock painting. I lost my daughter in March of 2014 and my son in June of 2016. Painting has become therapy. When I'm painting I can shut my brain off. Focus on the task at hand, take a break from grieving. And knowing that those rocks will put a smile on someone's face, help them thru a bad day, well that's icing on the cake! Member, Tina Underwood

You otter paint rocks - Member, Jessica Freeland

Blue Bugs - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Firetruck - Member, Shelia Beach

Cupcake - Member, Carole Hogan

Lil Dino - Member, Carol Hogan

Moo Cows - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Red Dice - Member Britt Fox

A friend added my name to the group because I'm always posting crafts that I do. I started painting & hiding rocks, never finding any or never seeing any of mine posted until 1 day (Memorial Day) when someone posted my rock and wrote me this heartfelt post. Member, Shelia Beach

We are still forever thankful for the group. My daughter has turned many corners due to her healing. The rocks helped enormously with her healing. She still loves to paint rocks. She paints rocks for many other reasons now. It is also a great activity for her myself, my other teenage daughter to work on. I just wanted to say thank you again for giving my youngest a way to heal. Member, Jennifer Betz

The rocks mean many things to people. They are fun to paint and it is fun hiding them for an unsuspecting person. The rocks are given a life and sent on a journey to share kindness. So many people who do not understand why we paint and hide rocks have their opinions changed when they find a rock. Finding a rock causes a child-like excitement that makes you smile.

Back in July my friend asked me to paint rocks with her at her sister's after I expressed interest in her new hobby. It was the most relaxing and fun afternoon! I had the best time. Two months later and there are bags of rocks in my kitchen from Home Depot, finished rocks on my stovetop, and rocks all over my kitchen counter where I have my painting/mod podge/duraclear station. It's the best hobby and I love this group and all the joy it brings to the world! Member, Susan Reynolds

Front and Back - Member, Sue Atwell

Opening Day - Member, Ryan McMurray

Joe Cool - Member, Ashley Wallace

Pikachu - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Madeline - Member, Tina Givens

Where's Waldo - Member, Michelle Wahl

Cleveland, OH - Member, Sandi Hangauer

One of the benefits of the group is learning about all the places in our communities we didn't know about. The hiking trails, the parks, the events. Getting out in the fresh air is good for us. Getting some exercise is even better for us. But most of all hiding a painted rock while you are visiting a new place shares random acts of kindness and may just change a person's day.  We hope they are inspired to start painting rocks and hiding rocks too.

I have always been artistic but I hadn't drawn or painted anything in a few years. My best friend found a rock back in October and gave it to me to hide since my husband and I hike a lot. After joining, I posted my 'gonna hide this rock' pic. I painted a couple of rocks after about a month of just seeing smiling finder faces in my news feed. Then I had some stressful stuff happen and needed a distraction. I started painting more rocks and after a few months of painting, shared one to the page. Everyone was so nice and I even had people say that my rock inspired them to paint a rock or two. Couldn't believe that something so simple as a painted rock could inspire people but I liked the idea of other people finding some peace in painting. The smiles when people find them are amazing and seeing the posts of what everyone paints is wonderful! This is a much needed happy spot in my day. Member, Kimberly Atwell.

Mother Teresa Quote - Member, Sue Atwell

Scrabble - Member, Ryan McMurray

Fred Flintsone - Member, Ashley Wallace

Rainbow Unicorn - Member, Kelly Vogel

Bassett Hound - member, Stacy Honen

Striped Smile - Member, Tina Underwood

Find a Penny - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

My daughter started me painting the rocks, since I live near a park and thought it would be a good hobby for me. Now, I am a rocking granny! Member, Janet Vogelgesang.

Owl - Member, Carol Lapham

Mushroom - Member, Danielle Ellen

Toothless - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

School Bus - Member, Shelia Beach

Cleveland Indians - Member, Sandi Hangauer

Patriotic Butterfly - Member, Tina Underwood

Snowbird - Member, Barbara Fazzini

Negativity does not have to be the norm in our lives. The group has allowed us to not accept that. In the hustle and bustle, hurry there world we live in, so many of us have lost the ability to share kindness. Strangers don't make eye contact. We no longer exchange pleasantries. The rocks have changed that. They have given people and communities a way to share kindness and a way to connect.

In my opinion Northeast Ohio Rocks is amazing. Spreading kindness one rock at a time to strangers who otherwise would have no contact with or positive impact on each other's lives in this harsh world now a days is unheard of. And here we are not world leaders or government decision makers but simple moms, dad's, children, just regular people trying to make what can be a cruel dark and down right scary world a little kinder, a little sweeter of a place and maybe make the heaviness on someone's heart a little lighter. One happy painted rock hiding just around an unsuspected corner spreading one random act of kindness at a time. It makes my heart sing? Thank you Nancy for having the insight to create this group giving me a way to channel some creativity into a genuine vessel of love and kindness. Member, Tina Givens.

Smile Quote - Member, Sue Atwell

Gnome - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Tree Frog - Member, Michelle Wahl

Googly Eyed Frogs - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Smarties - Member, Angela Lopaska

Hope, Love, Joy Lettering Rock - Member, Kelly Vogel

Pirate - Member, Carol Lapham

We don't paint rocks for ourselves. They are meant to share kindness with others. Rocks are painted rated "G" for everyone. Small children are often the ones finding our rocks. Many painters seek inspiration from others.

Holidays and seasons can be an inspiration.

Halloween Cat - Member, Joni Briggs

Scarecrow - Member, Diane Bonifati

Christmas Rocks - Member, Tina Givens

Halloween - Member, Tracy Zimmerman

Glow in the Dark - Member, Shelia Beach

Snowmen - Member, Barbara Fazzini

Our Favorite Music can be an inspiration

The Beatles - Member, Sandi Hangauer

Elvis - Member, Kelly Vogel

Prince - Member, Joni Briggs

Saxophone - Member, Alice Noneya

John Lennon - Sandi Hangauer

The Grateful Dead - Member, Michelle Wahl

Pink Floyd - Member, Joni Briggs

Or, a favorite story

Somewhere Over the Rainbow - Member, Angela Lopaska

The Wizard of Oz - Member, Beth Grimm

Hedwig - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Harry Potter - Member, Nancy Powell Pierson

Corduroy - Member, Carol Lapham

Alice in Wonderland - Beth Grimm

Alice in Wonderland - Member, Tina Givens

And, sometimes our inspiration comes from our favorites places.

Mosquito Lake - Member, Heidi Nuskievicz

Beach - Member, Hope Wood Shernit

Salt Life - Member, Tracy Zimmerman

Beach Sunset - Member, Shelia Beach

Sailboat - Sue Atwell

Beach Sunset - Hannah Stopar

I have watched members come to the group unsure of what to paint and unsure of their abilities. I have seen their art grow from the simple to the elaborate.

The stories in our group are inspirational. Rocks seem to find the right people just when they are needed most.

Some people come to the group thinking we are a game of hide and seek and when they become painters and hiders, read the stories, see the smiles, they begin to understand there is much more going on here. And, there is!


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